Imagine a room with an amazing live band right in the center that’s surrounded by live artists, that’s surrounded by live dancers, that’s completely engulfed by prayer worship, that’s enhanced by spirit filled singing. Now, put a whole mess of children in the room just doing what children do, having FUN! The Holy Spirit seems to descend on this week in such a way that everyone is just in awe and wonder as we enjoy a little heaven on earth together. Click on the video to get a visual of what we’ve done in the past and invite everyone.
Jan 6th to Jan 10th (Mon -Fri) 7-8:30pm Every Night
Grace Point Baptist Church
10415 Chestnut Drive
Kansas City, MO 64137 (lower level)
A Big Thank You to Grace Point for providing this space every year.
What an amazing blessing. Bring your family to this and be sure to be there on Monday, the first day. If you come on Wednesday or Friday, you’ll say “I wish I would have come on Monday and stayed the whole week”.